How Do You Feel when You Give Beauty?

Heal a wounded place on the earth

When the places and animals we love are damaged or endangered, we hurt too.

But by going to these places, telling our stories, and making simple acts of beauty, we heal the land and claim our place in a world we create with beauty, meaning, and even joy

Gender Liberation Is Steadily Increasing

The first elected openly gay mayor of a U.S. city with over a million residents

Annise Danette Parker (born May 17, 1956) is an American politician and the mayor of Houston since January 2, 2010. She served as an at-large member of the Houston City Council from 1998 to 2003 and city controller from 2004 to 2009.

Parker is Houston’s second female mayor, and the first elected gay mayor of a major U.S. city

Thinking Differently About What’s Valuable

Time banks

Even in the midst of the recession, Portland, Maine, has a bank that’s generating an unusual amount of wealth. It’s a time bank called Hour Exchange Portland (HEP) and the wealth is an alternative currency called “time dollars.” Spend an hour doing something for somebody else; deposit an hour into your time bank account as a time dollar. You now have one time dollar to spend on having someone do something for you. It’s a simple idea that can help neighbors weather the recession while building stronger communities.

Let’s Recognize Every Type of Genius

Greatest Person Of The Day: Dr. Alwyn Cohall, Harlem Health Advocate

I grew up in Harlem, a community steeped in a rich heritage of cultural and political achievement. However, it is also a community beset disproportionately by health problems. Even as a child, I knew I had to do something to help better conditions for my family, friends and neighbors. Becoming a doctor was my way to help.

A Less Oppressive Kind of Power?

The 100 Most Spiritually Influential People Alive

We’re delighted to share our début list of the 100 most spiritually influential living people, that was published in the Spring issue #26 of the Watkins Review.* Yes, we’ve taken up the not so simple task of naming the most popular authors and spiritual teachers, whose contribution in spirituality and spreading awareness is affecting us all.

It’s Fun to Rethink Everything

Farms surrounded on all sides by condos, office buildings, shopping centers and apartments. How urban agriculture is changing our relationship with food.

If the ’60s was the decade when back-to-the-landers fled cities for farms, the ’10s is the decade when they—or, more likely, their offspring—are coming back. There is no official count of how many urban farms exist in America, but agricultural entities like the Bells’ have counterparts across the country. Urban farmers work in Houston, Dayton, Chicago, Milwaukee, New York, Oakland, San Francisco, Detroit, Portland, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles and Seattle, to name just a few.