Your Minimum Daily Requirement of Beauty

Rosette Nebula: a “stellar nursery” that resembles a flower

Known formally as NGC 2237, the petals of the Rosette Nebula are actually what astronomers refer to as a “stellar nursery,” a massive, energy-rich molecular cloud brimming with nascent celestial bodies. The nebula owes its symmetric shape to the winds and radiation that emanate from its central cluster of young stars — many of which are only a few million years old.

What if 2012 Is About the Opposite of Apocalypse?

This Changes Everything

How the 99% woke up: a book about how the Occupy movement is shifting the way people view themselves and the world, the kind of society they believe is possible, and their own involvement in creating a society that works for the 99% rather than just the 1%.

The Occupy movement, as it has come to be called, named the source of the crises of our time: Wall Street banks, big corporations, and others among the 1% are claiming the world’s wealth for themselves at the expense of the 99% and having their way with our governments. This is a truth that political insiders and the media had avoided, even while the assets of the top 1% reached levels not seen since the 1920s. But now that this genie is out of the bottle, it can’t easily be put back in

Unsung Heroism

Remarkable women developing solutions and guiding us towards a sustainable future.

Eco Amazons brings together for the first time the women leading the charge to create a sustainable future for all life on Earth. Their efforts demonstrate how individual concern gives rise to passion, how passion leads to action, and how action effects meaningful change—efforts that can be emulated by each and every one of us.

Turning the Cult of Narcissism Against Itself

Girl who was made fun of uses her fame to help charitable organization

She was just an average thirteen-year-old girl, until overnight her awkward dancing in the background of Rebecca Black’s “Friday” video made her a target of near-universal derision on the Internet…When Benni Cinkle finally responded to the attention and began answering questions, the hordes anticipating more lulz at her expense did a 180, surprised to themselves interacting with a gracious, humble person with a sense of humor about herself. In the months since, Cinkle’s website, That Girl in Pink, has become a launchpad for her charitable works.

Let’s Recognize Every Type of Genius

Greatest Person Of The Day: Dr. Alwyn Cohall, Harlem Health Advocate

I grew up in Harlem, a community steeped in a rich heritage of cultural and political achievement. However, it is also a community beset disproportionately by health problems. Even as a child, I knew I had to do something to help better conditions for my family, friends and neighbors. Becoming a doctor was my way to help.

Apologies from the editor

Greetings Pronoiacs,

If you follow this site at all, you may have noticed that the posts have been lagging behind Rob’s weekly newsletter. The reason for this is that I took an unannounced paternity leave – my wife and I had our first child a few weeks ago, and my online life has fallen a bit behind. Such is the way of life with a newborn. 🙂

In the coming weeks, I will do my best to pick up the backlog and get us back on track. In the meantime, your patience is greatly appreciated.


– your humble editor