Are You Aware of the Conspiracy to Improve Life on This Planet?

There’s a tuition-free online university aimed at poor students around the globe who would otherwise not have access to higher education.

[Shai] Reshef founded the school in 2009. After making millions from several for-profit, online education ventures in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East, he says he realized just how inaccessible higher education is for most people around the world.

“Listen, everyone should be educated,” Reshef says. “I care about the people who don’t have the right to an education right now, and they should have the right.”

Strangers Helping Strangers With No Ulterior Motive

Winnipeg Bus Driver Gives Homeless Man The Shoes Off His Feet

Commuters on a Winnipeg bus Tuesday morning became unexpected witnesses to an incredible act of kindness.

According to CBC News, the bus driver pulled over on a corner and began chatting with a homeless man on the street. After a couple of minutes, he removed his shoes and gave them to the barefoot young man. The driver then got back on the bus in his socks and carried on with his route.

Creative People You Don’t Know Are Hard at Work Trying to Solve Big Problems

New Wind Turbine Makes Drinking Water

A French inventor may have an answer for the millions of people who scramble to find fresh drinking water each day: a wind turbine that literally pulls H2O from the air. Marc Parent, head of Eoie Water, designed the turbine while living in the Caribbean and enduring water shortages. His solution is called the WMS1000, which gathers moisture from the air and turns it into drinking water, ABC News reports.