Fill the Sacred Temple of Your Imagination up With Redemption for a Change

Stories of animal rescues

From the Canadian teacher who rescued stray dogs from Afghanistan to the Australian hospital workers who nursed nearly 100 baby fruit bats, poignant stories of animal rescue can be found all over the world.

These rescuers are exemplars of the human spirit — people for whom kindness has conquered apathy, who’ve chosen selflessness over selfishness.

There’s More Intelligence in the World Than Any of Us Imagines

The Emotional World of Farmer Animals

Jefferey Masson, author of When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love, leads viewers through the personal journey he underwent while writing his latest book, The Pig Who Sang to The Moon.

This journey into the sentient, emotional lives of farm animals brings Masson to animal sanctuaries around the country where caregivers and the animals themselves tell their harrowing stories of rescue and escape.

Masson delves into the rich ancestry of these curious and intelligent animals and interviews top experts in animal behavior who offer scientific perspectives on these amazing creatures.